
Friday, April 2, 2010

Yesterday we went geocaching. We had a great time on a beautiful day. The temps reached the upper 80's. We were planning to do the whole Fort Dodge Nature Trail Series (5 caches). Guess what? We have to go back.
We found the first two very quickly and then it seemed like #5 was the next closest. We looked so long and never found it. I cut my leg on a barbed wire fence and scratched my arm of a prickly bush getting there. We looked longer then you should ever look for one cache and I ended up getting overheated. I thought I was not going to make it the 2 miles out of there.
Ronnie took the hard way out to get back to the car, and I went through Snell park because I needed to go to the bathroom. Bathrooms locked. LOL. I was dancing by the time he picked me up. I felt pretty sick by the time we got home.
Note: Always read the clues for the cache before you leave home. When we read about #5 it said it is not here but there are clues in the other 4 caches that will tell you where it is.

After caching we came home, showered, went to Olde Boston for dinner and then to Holy Thursday Mass at Corpus Christi. Beautiful service.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This morning we had coffee with the Silvey's at their house and Joyce baked a delicious coffee cake. Yummy food and great company.
I had lunch with Cleo and Tina. It was great to catch up with the two of them. Lots of things going on for all of us so there was plenty to talk about.
This afternoon Ronnie and I took a bike ride - my first time on my new bike and it was great. Wish I would actually say "let's take a bike ride everyday". Probably not going to happen but it was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring has sprung in Iowa

Wow this is a great day. I just hung clothes on the line and the breeze is blowing and it is warming up. Today we are supposed to have a high in the low 70's. The flowers have started to bloom and Ronnie has started leveling off the mountain in the front yard and digging up a few bushes and cleaned off a few flower beds. It is time to get close to Mother Earth again.

Yesterday I finally got the house cleaned and back in shape after being gone for the worst of winter. I am happy and loving being back in Iowa.