
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Omaha Weekend

Besides the garage sale we did a few fun things over the weekend. Dan and D'Lynn had some meetings and so we were able to spend some time with the grandchildren. They had so much homework and I was so glad that we could help out.

Friday was grandparents day at both Gross High School (yes Joe is in high school)and St. Geralds. We have had to miss so many of these things over the years so we were happy to spend the time and see where the kids go to school. The high school started the morning off with Mass followed by a reception. Joe was able to be with us while we were there.

We then took lunch to Sam, Anna and Will at the grade school and ate lunch with them at noon. They showed us around the school and in their classrooms. It was just a great day.

Saturday we did a little geocaching. That is always a fun thing to do.

Saturday evening we had a delicious barbecue and just spent time with each other. Everyone was so tired from the garage sale and it was nice to just relax.

Sunday morning we went to Mass and then to the parish festival at St. Geralds. It was very nice but I did not get any pictures. Not so good.

We do love spending time with our kids and grandkids. Thank you God for that wonderful gift.

Garage Sale

This past weekend we went to Dan and D'Lynn's for the garage sale that we have been preparing for. I spent a lot of time cleaning closets and the basement and actually managed to go through everything downstairs. We had a very successful 3 days and we brought only 3 items home. Of course, some of it went to Goodwill.

I am happy to say that I made enough money to get new pots and pans. They are very nice and I think I will enjoy them for years to come.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A visit with Aunt Dorothy

On our way to Tom and Cynthia's we did stop and see Aunt Dorothy Fuoss at the Algona Manor. She is living there now and had a lot of company when we stopped.

We got to see her daughters Judy and Theresa and her son Tim and his wife Caryl. Tim has recently undergone radiation for cancer on the side of his face. He is doing so well and has such a great attitude. He is an inspiration.
After visiting for a bit we got lunch and everyone went to Aunt Dorothy's apartment to eat. We also stopped for a quick visit with Uncle Ronnie Hansen. It was nice to see everyone.

O'Brien County

Over Labor Day weekend Ronnie and I took a trip to O'Brien County to spend some time with my cousins and to attend their car club's annual car show. We had a great time. We arrived on Sunday and after a few glasses of Sangria we enjoyed a wonderful barbecue and lots of tasty side dishes. Once we had the kitchen cleaned up there was time for the women to enjoy a few games of Sequence. (Kathy and I are very good players.)
Meanwhile the men went to the car cruise in an old car that belonged to friends from South Dakota.

Modified 1934 Plymouth 4-door Sedan
It was so much fun to spend time with these people. The hospitality was fantastic and they have a beautiful home.
Ron and Mary, Rollyn and Connie,
Tom and Cynthia, Rich and Kathy
Monday we headed to Sheldon days and the car show.
1958 Plymouth Belvedere Convertible
Our hosts, Tom and Cynthia Fuoss