
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The girls have gone home and all is quiet again for a few days and then we are ready for some more fun with the Omaha kids.

Friday morning we picked up Katie and Izzie and spent the rest of the day playing and chasing around outside. I bought a very small pool at Target this year and they had a ball just getting in and out and shooting things with the 3 little squirt guns that I bought out of the Target dollar spot. In the evening we took the girls for a big walk before bedtime. Everybody slept pretty good. :)

Saturday morning we colored and took a walk, where we found a tree that I could put Katie up into. After nap time there was some bubble blowing, use of sidewalk chalk and just a lot of chasing each other around the yard. Craig and Cindy came late afternoon and we barbecued in the backyard and then off to the Dairiette. Yummy. Girls went to bed and we watched a little TV and then off to bed for all of us.

Sunday morning we went to Mass and then breakfast at Olde Boston. First time there for breakfast. It was very good.

Monday morning Ronnie started to paint on the house again. He is all done but about 1/2 of the back and 1/4 of the front. We will see the end of that soon. I started at about 10:30AM digging up my lily bed. I took all of the lilies out and broke them up and out came the barrel in the middle. We then brought some black dirt from that dirt pile that we plan to move into the yard and filled up the bed with some soil that is once again rich in nutrients. Back into the bed went the lilies - regrouped and ready for next year. Great job done. It was a beautiful day but it was about a 4 - 5 hour job and I got so warm that I had to take a break until the shade moved around to the back. This old gal ain't what she used to be.

Tuesday morning we are heading to Target to fax retirement papers. I checked yesterday on the papers that I mailed on June 2 and they show no record. Need those for retirement pay. Of course, that is how it would go.


  1. Thanks for the overnight with the girls!! It is such a nice break for us and they always have such a great amount of fun!
    What did you do with the remaining lily bulbs?

  2. Put them in a whole in the flower bed. I though I could try to replant next year. Too many. If you want some in the spring you can have them.

  3. Mary you are sure a busy and great Grandma. Your Geocashing trip looked like a great family outing. Summer has been too wet here we actually broke records.

    We built a tree house this week and I made the trap door a little too small for my expanded size and I was lucky to make it out. I guess I will never see the top of those trees again.

    Our kids go home in 2 weeks, how time flies.

    Sylvia and Kate have taken up knitting and have an Afgan half done between them, it sure passes time. keep busy. Doug and Sylvia, on the go.
