
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Camp Grandma Day #1& 2

We arrived home on Monday afternoon and headed to town for a few groceries and items that were necessary to have a great week. After shopping we came home and grilled burgers and watched a movie. Ok grandma is not sure of what she is always picking and so we spent part of our evening fast forwarding through what I found to be inappropriate parts of the movie "Uncle Buck". Better luck on movie night. We all headed to bed about 10:30PM after a round of root beer floats. Yummy!!

This morning we started our points competition for the week. Today is Game Day. We have several event taking place including Frisbee Golf, Bean Bag Toss and a bike ride that included trying to find the flags that were hidden earlier by Joe. It was all fun but I do think the young ones loved the bike search. There were also card games and board games for those who were not busy with an outdoor event. We will be going to Taco Tico for dinner followed by all visitors favorite thing - a trip to the Dairiette. We will end the night with one more board game. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like everyone is having a great time! Thanks so much for taking the kids. Today I got Joe's room cleaned from top to bottom. Tonight I'm moving on to Anna's room (shhhhh...don't tell, it's a surprise!). These are things that are hard to do with the kids here. Dan and I had a yummy Mexican dinner out which included an uninterrupted conversation! Yay!
