
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Wow it is just one rain storm after the other today. Ron just said it was 2 years ago tomorrow that we had the big flood. I sure don't want to think about that. It just started pouring again.

We are home and have stocked up on groceries, cleaned house, and did a few odds and ends jobs this week. Yesterday I got my hair cut and colored by Peggy Bunker. It feels and looks much better. Before the hair process we went to lunch at a local pub and restaurant called Lefty's. The food was very good and the visit with an old friend even better.

Today Ronnie is going to get the oil changed in the van and we are going out for dinner with our Moorland friends.

1 comment:

  1. Happy haircut! It sounds like you and Peggy had a nice visit.
