
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A visit with Aunt Dorothy

On our way to Tom and Cynthia's we did stop and see Aunt Dorothy Fuoss at the Algona Manor. She is living there now and had a lot of company when we stopped.

We got to see her daughters Judy and Theresa and her son Tim and his wife Caryl. Tim has recently undergone radiation for cancer on the side of his face. He is doing so well and has such a great attitude. He is an inspiration.
After visiting for a bit we got lunch and everyone went to Aunt Dorothy's apartment to eat. We also stopped for a quick visit with Uncle Ronnie Hansen. It was nice to see everyone.


  1. Dear Ron and Sue. Thanks for letting me know about this site. I am going to try and see if my Mom can see some of these pics. Aunt Dorothy looks just great. :) Okay for now, John Reynolds. Glendale, AZ
