While we were in Huron for the big birthday bash, we had a call from Katie. She said her Mommy was hurt and could I bring soup. She believes Grandma can cure anything with her homemade soup.
Cindy had twisted her foot and was unable to walk on it. We went to their house when we got back from Huron and took Cindy to the doctor. Bad news, it was broken. We are so lucky to be retired because we were able to move into their basement and help with the girls for the next month. Can I say that God is very wise to give you your children when you are young? We actually had a great time and enjoyed our time playing with the girls and doing as much as we could around the house.
I think they got a little attached to us also.
Here are a few pictures from our time in Waukee.
All I can say is thank God for you! We could not have done it without you! We all miss you very much here now.