
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Congratulations Kevin and Hollyanne on a Beautiful Wedding

We spent last weekend in Omaha attending our godson, Kevin, and his new bride, Holleyanne's wedding.  It was not only beautiful but sooooo much fun.  The ceremony was very nice and as Kevin's godparents we were asked to take the gifts to the altar at the offertory time.  We were so honored. 

Following the wedding we went to the reception, where we ate a delicious meal, visited with old and new friends and family, and danced until I could barely move.  It is a blessing to be with such great people. 

Pinning on our godson's boutonniere

Kevin's attendants

Two of our handsome grandsons - Joe and Sam

Good looking groomsmen - Dan and Joe

Fran and Meghan

Dan and D'Lynn

The Carlsons'

Kevin and Hollyanne

The Girls

Forty four years later

Dollar dance

Dollar dance

Guys dancing

A great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting up so many pictures... a great way to remember a great family event. So happy for the Roni!
