
Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This summer we noticed an especially tame little brown squirrel who would shinny down the fence in the backyard to quench his/her thirst at the bird bath.
This wasn't a shy squirrel, and didn't seem to mind that we were sitting on the deck or patio at the time. Mary gave him (assuming it is a "he") the name Martin, which we have shortened to Marty.

Now that the corn has matured and is nearly ready for harvest, I have been reaping a small harvest from across the street to treat Marty.

Last Sunday Katie and I were sitting on the patio in front of our house watching Marty nibble on the ear of corn that I had placed near the big tree outside the living room window. Katie was fascinated by this friendly little creature and could move to within 4 - 5 feet from him before he scurried up the tree, only to come right back down when she moved away.

I hope Katie sees this picture so she can see Marty is still gnawing away, every day, at the dinner table.


  1. We have a visiter at our house this year - a possum living under our shed. When we get home next week, we are going to try to convince him to move to a neighbor's house. The City Animal Control says to keep the area under the shed hosed down for 4-5 days.

  2. Yikes! Possum are one of those creatures I really do not like to look at, with that long nose and beady little eyes.
    I don't know if this would work for a possum, but I was successful routing a nest of garter snakes which took up residence under the little cement slab in front of our north shed.
    I poured about a pint or two of full strength liquid bleach alongside the slab then took two or three pails of water and washed the bleach under the concrete. I haven't seen the snakes since.
    Another possible solution might be to pour a generous amount of moth balls along the perimeter of your shed (or under it). Maybe the possum would start looking for a new and better smelling home!
