
Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday was a pretty exciting day around here. The door bell rang and a lady who was running for town council was there. She came in and we told her that we were pretty upset that nothing was being done about the tile that is plugged in our yard. She went outside with us and we could see waste floating in the bottom. Another neighbor drove by and we told her what was going on. About one hour later a phone call from the town clerk came and she said that someone would come today. At 5PM the mayor and the guy who is going to fix it came. They are going to put a shut off valve on the tile that leads to our house so nothing can back up. So far this week the job has not been done but the phone, electric and water company have been here to mark the yard for digging. We are hoping that they show up in the next day or so because we would like to have it done before bad weather comes.

Monday early evening Cindy called and the girls were sick with fevers again. We took off for Des Moines and stayed until Wednesday night. The girls went to the doctor on Tuesday and Isabel had sinus infection. Sure hope everyone gets well before we leave for Texas.

I have now finished the final doll quilt. It is Katie's and so I used satin binding as she loves to touch it as she falls asleep. I have started packing things up to take to the quilting retreat on Monday. I am looking forward to a great time and to learning a few new things.

Ronnie has the lawn furniture put away for the winter. Sounds like we have a chance for snow tomorrow. BRRRRRR I am cold just thinking about it.


  1. No digging yet?? Bummer! I hope they arrive soon.
    Thanks again for all your help and time this week. was a long one!
    She likes to touch the satin as she falls asleep? You mean lick it! :)

  2. Ok I mean lick it. She often offers to let me have a lick. So cute.
