
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I can count on one hand.

When I came home from work today I told Ron that I just have 5 more days of work. He said "you can count that on one hand".

We have had a fun week starting with Cindy's birthday on Saturday We celebrated by going out to dinner at Legends. Great food and even better company. Just before dinner Cindy called to say that they had an offer on their house. Looks like they will be moving into a bigger and newer house in the next few weeks. :)

Izzie's baptism on Sunday. She was such a good baby. Izzie seems to be making up to all of us now. I guess she is finally arriving.

Looking forward to having tomorrow off and getting a few things done outside. Praying there will be no rain. We are meeting the Naeve's for brunch at the Village Inn. I would also like to get another quilt sewed together so I can work on it on the way to Omaha Sunday. It is the weekend of Anna's dance recital. Monday night we will stay for Will's baseball game.

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